Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentine's Day

I had class both days of Valentine's Day weekend and Chris had a wrestling tournament, so we made pizza with heart pepperoni on Friday night. I got Chris a new Wii game, so we played bocce ball, shuffleboard, and ladder ball too. Chris was pretty excited to play some of his favortite outside games inside!

Ice Sculptures

We went to Lake Geneva to see the ice sculptures on Feb. 8th. Because of the warm temperatures we had over the weekend, the ice sculptures were in pretty bad shape. We weren't able to make out what they were suppose to be. We still had fun walking around and looking in some of the shops. We watched the helicopter land and take off from the beach a few times.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's all the Green Stuff, Mom?

Marley is seeing some unusual colors outside this weekend! We've been seeing white for so long we forgot there were other colors out there! After the amazing 53 degree day we had yesterday we're beginning to say goodbye to the mounds of snow in our yard! I looked at the hydrangeas and there are leaf buds on some of them! The boxwoods look great even though they've been covered with snow for so long!

Hmmm...what's going on out there?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chris, Andrea, Steve, and I went to see the Lonely Ninjas at the Wine Knot Last night. The singer, John, is a friend from high school and sang at our wedding.

The Ninjas jamming out!