Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day Treats!

Ava and I had fun making some Valentine's Day treats for her friends at daycare and her other friends. She was so excited to write her name and tell me who the treats would be for. She definitely displays the "you are my mom, I don't want to do it like you say" attitude. She makes me a bit nervous to go to school, but she needs a teacher that isn't her Momma to work with her! :)  

Gianna is 9 Months Old!

Gianna is 9 months old and full of SPUNK!! She loves doing "so big" when you ask her how big she is!

Here are the things I'd like to remember about Gianna at 9 months old.
* She is wearing a size 3 diaper and is in 6-9 month clothes for a bit yet.
* She has three meals of food and a couple bottles between. 
* She weighs 19 lb 10.5 oz (70th percentile) and is 29 inches long (90th percentile.)
* She loves to giggle.
* Gianna plays patty cake and "rolls" her hands! 
* She loves throwing her arms above her head to show you how big she is.
* The doctor is monitoring her head size (it's off the charts apparently). We go back in a couple weeks to see where she's at and see if we need further intervention (not sure what that would entail, I never asked) or if we monitor or if she's good.
* We may have a speech eval in the near future. The doctor has a potential concern for her swallowing. (She doesn't like textures and doesn't always swallow her puffs. We are experimenting with other finger foods to help her with this.)
* She is no longer drinking Neocate formula!! She's successfully transitioned to a soy formula. This means she's outgrown at least the soy portion of her milk protein allergy and we have a bit more cash in our bank account.
* Gianna loves crawling around and exploring. 
*Her jumperoo is still a hit and she likes playing her piano.
* She babbles a lot and says, "Dada, baba, papa, gaga" She's been adding some new sounds to her babble.
* She is very squirmy! Dressing her and changing her diapers should be an Olympic sport! She is way more active than Chris or I remember Ava being!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Latest House Update

We went to look at the house this afternoon. All insulation has been installed. The basement was poured on Monday and the furnace is in. The sump pump has been working. Our electric has been hooked up. We have an inspection tomorrow and the sheet rock will go up tomorrow after that. The whole house should be sheet rocked within a few days. They are going to try to pour the garage floor this week too. The exterior stone has been delivered too. They will tent the house to pour the porch and possibly put up siding. 

 Gianna was happy to be in her house.
 The archway to the main floor playroom is in.
 The arches above the mirrors in the master bath were also put in this week.

The Enchanted Oz

Yesterday my friends, Andrea and Nikki, brought our girls to see The Enchanted Oz. It was such a cute show! 
 Ava wasn't sure about the Wicked Witch of the West. She hopped in my lap and said she wanted to go home. She was much better when I told her I knew the Wicked Witch. Tammy is a sub at our school. She did an awesome job in her role! After the play we went to Olive Garden for dinner. We had a fun time together.

Family Fun Night

 We took the girls to Family Fun night at school on Friday night. Ava had a blast dancing and playing with my student, Leah. 
 Ava didn't want anything to do with the inflatables at first. Leah convinced her they were fun and they went down the slide several times!

Laundry Fun

Gianna had fun riding around and playing in the laundry basket!

More Cold Days!!!

We had two more days off of school due to the extreme cold! Since we got the call very late Sunday night, Ava didn't know school was cancelled until she woke up Monday morning. Even though she doesn't go to school yet, she LOVES hearing school is cancelled. She bounced on my bed and said, "Yes! We get to stay in jammies all day!" That's exactly what we did! We found some fun WARM activities to keep us busy!
 This little munchkin didn't mind some extra time at home either!
 Ava requested an indoor picnic.

 We also started making Valentine's Day presents.

Electrical Done

The electrical is done in the house. 

 Love the tray ceiling in the master!

Last Gymnastics Class

Ava had her last gymnastics class a couple weeks ago. She moved up to the next level, but we will be taking a break from gymnastics until summer. The next session runs until the beginning of June. We weren't sure what the schedule of the house would bring and didn't want to miss too many classes. It was fun to be able to go into the gym to take pictures and have Ava show off a bit.