Monday, May 28, 2012

Feeding the Ducks

Daddy and Papa went fishing this morning so Mommy and I picked up Nonna. We stopped at Starbucks and went down by the lake for a walk and to feed the ducks. When all the bread was gone I hopped back into my stroller and said, "Sorry ducks, I don't have anymore bread for you. I'll bring some next time!" 

Fun at Nonna and Papa's

Yesterday we went to Nonna and Papa's house to pizza on the grill. Nonna and I blew bubbles before we started the pizza.

 When Mommy and KK were rolling out the pizza dough Mommy looked out the kitchen window to see me! Nonna was scrubbing the picnic table and I wanted to help her. Nonna knew I was going to get into my work so she took my clothes off and let me go to work. 

 Papa was finally able to start the chicken for a pizza topping and then we started our pizzas.
 Papa pulled out his hat from Puerto Rico so we could have matching hats. I thought it was pretty cool that Papa had a hat like mine.

Ava's New Sprinkler

I found a great idea for making a sprinkler for Ava. Saturday night I told Chris we needed to have it made so Ava could use it on Sunday.
 Chris checking out the final product.
 Ava loved her new sprinkler!

 She had to try to drink from her sprinkler too! Less than $10 for countless hours of fun for the summer!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Family Time

Mommy's Aunt Claire and Uncle Gary were at Grammy and Grampy Uhlenhake's house for a few days. They live in Wyoming and I've never met them. We all went to Grammy and Grampy's for dinner on Sunday. I liked swinging in the big swing with Daddy, Mommy and Nonna.
 I played a little bit with Mommy's cousin's daughter, Audrina.
 KK and Josh took me and Mommy's cousin's son, Skylar, to see the chickens and cows.
 Audrina didn't get her nap so she was really tired. She kept laying on the metal chair to rest. I think it cooled her off!
 This is Mommy's Uncle Mike with Skylar. They were inspecting the back of the barn.
 Audrina and Skylar got rides from their Papa.

Desperate Times

Desperate times call for desperate measures! Mommy didn't get the yogurt fast enough for me so I took matters into my own hands!

First Splash of the Season

Saturday was HOT! We decided it was as good of a day as any to take the pool out for Ava to swim in. As soon as she saw it she said, "Look, Marley gave that pool to me!" She amazes me that she knows from looking at pictures that the pool that is now hers was originally bought for Marley. I know Marley wishes she could be splashing in the pool with Ava...what a sight that would be!!

Helping Daddy!

Chris took Ava outside with him on Saturday morning while I was getting ready. I looked out the window and saw this. It was too sweet not to grab the camera! As I was taking pictures from the window I saw a neighbor lady drive by in her van giggling at the sight of a little girl and her Daddy cutting the grass.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

See How I've Grown

This was me last year in August.
This year in May. Look how much I've grown!

Carefree Days!

I had to post this series of pictures from the zoo. The carefree days of being a little kid! 
"Mom, are you coming with me?"
 I love the piggies bouncing...
 ...and both feet off the ground as she's running.

Mr. Peacock

Every time we go to the zoo there is a beautiful peacock that hangs out by the rhino. He just sits there waiting for you to take his picture. 

Personal Day=Fun Day!!

I took my last personal day last week on Monday. It was a beautiful day, so Ava, Mom and I went to the zoo. After we saw the animals we found a nice shade tree and had a picnic lunch. We did a little shopping and headed home. It was an awesome day!
 Since Ava wore her "zoo clothes" with flamingos we had to go check those out right away! 

 Nonna and Ava were checking out the monkeys outside. The gorillas were very active.
 We saw this goose and her babies walking around the zoo.

 This alpaca was pretty entertaining! He would go by the sprinkler and check it out then go in for a drink. He did this several time which made Ava giggle!

 This elephant decided something beyond its enclosure would be better to eat. It was pushed up against the enclosure chains and stretched it's trunk out as far as possible to get the better food!
 Ava had a blast "riding" the cow.