Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Grout, Sink, Towel Bar...Oh My!!

Chris finished the grouting on Monday. He's planning to seal it tomorrow night. We're hoping we'll be able to shower at our house again by Saturday or Sunday. Last night dad and Chris put the new trim around the door and Chris put the towel bar up. The medicine cabinet now contains our toiletries, so we don't have to go search the house for them or look at them lined up on the kitchen window sill.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Fun!

Chris had today off because he has to work this coming Saturday. Yesterday he finished laying the tile in the shower and on the floor. Today he grouted and the sink got set. The toilet has been up and running since Thursday. It has made such a difference to just have a working toilet on the main floor! Chris took a break and we went down to Tenutas for a yummy panini for lunch.
Getting closer to completion!

New Windows

Chris and I decided one home project at a time wasn't enough! Saturday we put new windows in with the help of dad, Nick, and Uncle Steve. They look so much better already. The insides still need to be stained and the trim put on, but they are awesome already. We are anxious to see what the heating bill will be like now that all the windows, except the kitchen, are new.
Pulling trim off so the living room windows can be ripped out.
Out with one of the upstairs bedroom windows.

Nick hammering away upstairs. Not too sure what Steve is doing here.
Nick measuring up for the new window in what will be the baby's room.
One of the new windows is in Baby Passe's room.

The new upstairs bedroom window.

A view of the side of the house by the backdoor with the old windows.

The same side of the house with the new windows.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grouting the Floor

Last night Chris finished laying the floor and installed some tile corner shelves in the shower. Tonight we grouted the floor and one tub wall.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday is NOT the day of rest!

Sunday was a big work day for Chris (I helped a little too!) He tiled the tub up to the decorative pieces. We originally were going to build shelves that were set back into the back wall. Because of the way the studs were laid we couldn't do that without having a potential water problem. So now we're on to plan B. I have to go out to the tile store today to see if they have a corner shelf that we can install above the decorative tiles. After we get that the rest of the tub area can be finished.
The light bar, medicine cabinet, and switch plates were all installed.
The fan cover was put on, so the fan is now complete!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hats Off to the Grads!

Mom and Dad had a graduation party for Kaitlin, Chris, and I at their house on Saturday. The weather was great and we had a very nice turn out with family and friends. Even Uncle Mike and Aunt Robin surprised all of us and came down! We haven't seen them for over a year.
My friend, Nikki's daughter, Addy, was enjoying the food!
My friends from UGES, Nikki and Andrea.

Adddy was a great sport and we were able to get a nice picture!

This pic was for mom!! She wanted a "nice" picture of Kaitlin and Kurt before he had to go back to Bahrain. Whenever mom wants a "nice" picture of Kaitlin and I one of us makes a face to ruin it. We were lucky that he was able to join us while he was on leave. He had to go back today. Only a few more months and he'll be back for good!


Chris's parents, John and Barb, and his sister, brother-in-law, and niece, Kerry, Scott, and Nadia, came down from Minnesota for our graduation party. We went for dinner with John, Barb, and Nadia on Friday night. Saturday all of us went down to the Kenosha Harbor Market before the party. Nadia was very happy in her stroller taking it all in! It was nice to have them here for the weekend and spend some time together.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blue Walls

Chris had the day off of work yesterday so we was able to get quite a bit of work done in the bathroom. He got the first two rows of tile installed into the tub area. He also painted the bathroom blue. The color is a bit brighter than we had hoped, but we're also hoping that when the rest of the bathroom is installed and the other colors brought in it will break up the blue just a bit.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ready for Paint!

The drywallers finished today! Chris started priming the walls and the paint will go on tomorrow. He's also planning to start the tiling tomorrow.

Monday, July 13, 2009

We Have Walls!!

After a day with some interesting drywallers, we have walls in our bathroom! There was a bit of a hold up because one of the guys made a small hole in the water pipe for the sink when he was nailing the drywall up. He had to call his plumber to come fix it and then had to remove and redo a HUGE section of the wall. They will come back on Wednesday to finish and then we can paint.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday's Progress

Chris drilling the hole through the brick for the exhaust fan vent.
Our new fan/light.
The plumbing for the shower and tub are complete.
The new tub is set and covered so the drywall can be installed. The drywaller is suppose to come tomorrow and finish up on Tuesday. After that it will look more like a bathroom.

Kaitlin's Triathlon

Kaitlin participated in the Trek Triathlon today at Lake Andrea. She took 599 out of 2544. She had the 69th fastest swimming time!! Here she is taking the last stroke into the swim finish.
She's out and still looks good!
Transitioning to the bike portion.
Kaitlin (in the green top and blue helmet) headed out for the 13 mile bike ride.
She's back!! Racking her bike to head out for a 3.1 mile run.
There she is coming to the finish line! Final time was 1:33.28.
Kaitlin and Kurt after her finish.

Kaitlin and a couple friends that also participated.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Work + Demo= Tired Guys!

Dad and Chris both went back to work on Monday, so progress is a bit slower. They're still chomping away at the bit a little each night. I think they're both becoming a little delerious with lack of sleep!
Installing the frame for the new exhaust fan.
The fan is in!! Now we'll be able to shower with the door closed and not have a steamy mirror.

Dad sketching out the hole that needs to be make through the brick to vent the fan out.

Framing up for the new medicine cabinet.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More progress!

On Thursday when Chris started demo, dad started taking out the original galvanized water pipes. He switched them all over to copper. As of Sunday we had running water back in the house again! Grampa Zarletti also came over to finish the new electical in the bathroom.
Cleaning out the old drain pipe. EWWWWW!!!

Day 2

The new glass block window was installed on Friday morning. It weighs 250 pounds!!
The walls and floor are out. The only thing left is the tub.
The tub is gone!! It was the original cast iron tub from 1943, so it was VERY heavy and hard to break apart.
Dad and Chris smashed it into two big pieces and pitched it in the dumpster!