Saturday, September 28, 2013

New Toys

Gianna has been more interested in her toys lately. She enjoys putting the all right into her mouth! I think Ava loves the "new" toys coming out more than Gianna does!

Artist Ava

I had an extra apple on cardstock from an art project at school so I brought it home for Ava to paint. She was excited to take out the watercolors again.

Antique Tractor Pull

We went to watch Grampa Uhlenhake in the antique tactor plow a couple weekends ago. He wasn't there when we got there. Dad found a co-worker who had a tractor he restored.

 After we were done checking out his tractor, Dad hopped on to ride in the fields with one of Gramma and Grampa U's friends.
 Then in came Gramps. All the other guys had been waiting around for the plowing to start. Not Gramps...he pulled in...
 scanned the fields a bit...
 found the spot he wanted to go and claimed his spot...
 then he went full steam ahead to hit the field with the big guys! This is my FAVORITE series of tractor photos I've ever gotten of Gramps. I think it captured his fun nature and his love for his John Deere's.

 When the jacket came off, it was serious business. He was ready to take his three bottom plow and keep up with the "big boys."

 Ava enjoyed sitting in the field watching the tractors and Grampy.
 On Grampa's first pass back he stopped. We thought he got stuck at first, but the ground wasn't very wet and he was sitting awhile. Here he is checking out the tractor. I can hear him sitting on the seat mumbling, "Why...what in the hell?!?"
 The tractor that was plowing behind him ended up pulling him back to the front of the field. His oil filter went out.
 After a trip to Napa and not being able to get the part, Dad took him back home to grab another tractor from the fleet. He was all smiles when he came back with the new tractor.
 He didn't waste any time heading out for another round.

Back to School Fair

The Back to School Fair made her visit a couple weeks ago. She left a note for the girls and some goodies.

Snuggle Time

I walked in to check on Gianna a few days ago and I found her quietly laying in her bed snuggling her baby.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Simple Fun!

Last weekend all Ava needed for some fun was a swimsuit and hose! She entertained herself for quite awhile.

Brightonwoods Orchard

Last weekend we went to the orchard and Ava FINALLY got to play in the tree house. She's been asking to go there all summer.

 Drinking coffee with Daddy.
Gianna just took it all in.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Solids

Gianna got the go ahead to eat her first solids at her appointment on Friday. Dr. Rocco said she's getting enough formula so we could try the solids. She's also hopeful that doing them now will help with Gianna's reflux. She offered to do medication again if we wanted. Last time she told me they try to avoid it now because there's research that children who take the reflux meds develop more upper respiratory problems. With my history of upper respiratory problems and allergies I felt like we didn't need to deal Gianna another strike. Dr. Rocco was supportive either way and thought doing the solids may help her anyway. This time we started Gianna on oatmeal. Apparently that has changed since Ava got her first solids of rice. She ate it like a champ with very little spitting. She also got to debut her big girl highchair. I think she liked sitting in that too!

Gianna is 4 Months Old!

 Last week Friday was Gianna's 4 month birthday. Taking the pictures were a little challenging already because she just wanted to dive for her blocks. She also had her 4 month wellness exam and got 4 shots! Her poor little legs!!
-Gianna weighs 14 lb 6 oz, which is in the 54th percentile.
- Gianna is 26 inches long, which is in the 96th percentile.
- She is drinking 6 oz of formula every four hours.
- She's graduated into a size 2 diaper.
- She loves holding her wubby in her hands and playing with the ribbons.
- She rolls from back to front but hasn't quite figured out the back to front.
- She LOVES bath time.
-She is starting to figure out how to pull my hair.
-Gianna likes to shriek.
-She's starting to giggle.
-She's wearing 3-6 month clothes.
-As of her doctor's appointment she has been told to start eating solids.
-She's still battling her reflux and milk protein allergy.
Gianna wanted to show off her pin cushion legs!