Monday, February 27, 2012

Outside Play

It was nice enough that after my nap I got to go outside and run around and ride my bike.

Betty Brinn

Mommy had a winer break day today so she took Nonna and I to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum. Non of us had been there before but we all loved it! Mommy said we'll most likely buy a membership so we can go as often as we'd like this summer. I got to drive the bus.

 I made some pizza in the pizza parlor.
 I was the camera lady in the news station.
 Nonna and I worked on this car. She helped me change the tire.
 Then I checked things out under the hood.
 I had to add some anti-freeze.
I also made some music. After the museum we stopped for lunch at Culvers. I love when Mommy has random days off! They are so much fun!

House Hunt

Our house hunt is officially underway. We met with Andy yesterday morning at our house so he could go through and take pictures. We will meet with him one more time Wednesday night to finalize the contact and our house will be on the market. It's pretty bittersweet. I love our house and all the upgrades we've done. I will miss our little old neighbors, Ray and Shirley and Dean and Marty. They are so good to us and love Ava too. I know a new house means we're on to bigger and better things though. We went through 5 houses Sunday and have decided we will most likely be making our offer on this house when we get some activity on our house. Below are pictures of what the house will look like when it's completed. The house we're looking at is still under construction. It was just sided this weekend. The walls are up, the tub is installed, but that's about it. There's no drywall, no flooring, no kitchen, etc. We are hopeful that this house is still available when we can provide a more solid offer.

Earning My Keep

This morning I had to work to earn my keep. We had to put the finishing touches on the house for Andy to come take pictues for our listing. Mommy said she'd let me mop again. I did a pretty good job for a 2 year old I guess!


I love listening to stories on Mommy's Nook! I'm pretty good at navigating my way through independently to find a story to listen to. Sunday morning I laid down in the hallway and asked to be covered up so I could be "snuggly." I laid there for a good 20 minutes listening to some of my stories.

Marble Painting

Saturday afternoon Mommy let me do something I've never done before! She put paper, paint and marbles in a box and told me to wiggle the box back and forth. Some of the marbles jumped out a couple times, but I thought it was fun to chase them through the kitchen.

 Here's my completed masterpiece!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Josh!

Sunday night we had dinner and cake for Josh's birthday.
Make a wish!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blogging Like Mommy

I caught up on my blogging tonight!
I had to make a couple phone calls between entries too.
 Ahhh...all caught up!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I woke up on Valentine's Day and had some special presents from cupid! He left me a Dora movie, stickers and a coloring book.

 Mommy came home with some awesome treats from one of her students. His Mommy made this huge pail of dirt cake!

I even got my own Valentine from Mommy's student. It was the same student that made her dirt cake.

 Mommy got the mail and there was a special envelope in the mailbox for me!
 It was a Valentine from Ray and Shirley next door. We are going to miss them so much when we move. We'll have to come visit them and swing on their backyard swing.
 When we got home from Scamps I pulled the pail of dirt cake out of the fridge and Mommy and Daddy let me dig in. I got a kick out of scooping the dirt cake out with a shovel!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's For My Friends

On Monday night Mommy and I made Valentines to give to my friends at Miss Zivka's house. We counted the bears to put into each bag and tied the label on. I was excited to give them to my friends!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Special Breakfast

Since Valentine's Day is on Tuesday this year we decided to make a special Valentine's Day breakfast a couple days early. I LOVED the fun red pancakes!

Making Crayons

First, you have to peel and break lots of old crayons.
 Then you put the crayons into the heart pan.

 Next, you put the pan with old crayons into the oven and watch the change happen!
 The old crayons start to melt!!
 Then you put the pan outside in the cold to cool off.
 Once cooled, you pop the crayons out of the pan. You get fun multicolored heart crayons!!
 Finally, you get a huge sheet of paper and COLOR!!!!