Monday, May 26, 2014

Gone Fishin'

After playing with the water table, we walked to "Lake Papa." We have a retention pond in our subdivision that Ava has named Lake Papa. Saturday before the wedding, my dad told her he would take her fishing at Lake Papa. She grabbed her pole and walked to fish.

 Papa's getting her hook ready. Ava gave me the thumbs up to tell me they were ready.

 Ava's first catch...a bluegill!
 She's a proud fisherlady!

 Another fish on!!
 She brought it in with a little help from Papa.
 Dad laughing at her reaction to trying to touch it.
 Yeah, Ava!!

 Gianna being silly with Nonna.

Water Table Fun

Today was a perfect day to get out the water table Gianna got for her birthday. It's so fun to finally have a birthday in nice weather to get some fun outside toys! The girls had so much fun playing in the water together.

 Gianna quickly found out the bear walk is the best way to get around on the driveway!

 Love those little baby thighs!!

 Gianna crawled under the water table and got mad because she couldn't stand up!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Cook Out

We had a cookout at my grandparents tonight since a couple of my aunts and cousins were still in town from Kaitlin's wedding. 
 Adam was a happy guy.  He and Gianna played ball in the backyard. I love seeing them together since they are so close in age!

 Hmmmm....what is this furry little thing? gives kisses and they tickle!!
 I better stay away!

First Burley Ride of the Season

We stopped and got Gianna her first bike helmet today so she could go on her first Burley ride with Chris and Ava. They rode over to my grandparent's house for the afternoon cookout. Next mission is to get Mom a new bike!

Kaitlin's Wedding Day Has Arrived!

We started the morning at the salon to get our hair and makeup done.
 We had some yummy bagels and mimosas!

 Miss Kelly....
 and Amber!
 Ava got some powder so she's be ready for pictures! I think she enjoyed having Monica do that for her!

 Ava all ready to get her wedding hair.
 Kaitlin got all of the girls bags with our names on them for carrying our things in for the wedding. Ava got a cinch sac in a print just like the big girls with her name on it. We filled it with some new books to keep her busy while her hair got done.

 Kaitlin looked so beautiful!! After the salon, we headed back to my house to have lunch and hang out a bit before going to the ceremony. Now I am having major withdrawal because I have no more wedding day pictures after this! :( I was way too busy helping Ava and Kaitlin and didn't want to leave my camera anywhere. I have to wait for the professional photos to have photos of my sister and I together or have any in Ava in all of her get up. I can not wait to see the pictures!!