Sunday, August 25, 2013

Splish, Splash...Pool Fun!

This afternoon we went to Tammy and Joe's house to swim in their pool. Ava was thrilled beyond belief to swim for awhile!

 Gianna got her first experience in the swimming pool. She loved laying in the float and then kicking with me.
 Thanks for inviting us, Kaitlin and Josh!


Saturday afternoon, we went to do some final work on our lot. Josh came over with his chainsaw to cut down the last tree that we left standing at the request of our future neighbor. We told him we'd cut it down when we were ready to break ground and it would be his notification. 
 Dad had fun off roading.
 Chris used the big mower and mowed for the last time.

 A little push and.....
 TIMBER!!! Ava and I cheered while we watched. We will sign the contract on Thursday and from there it should take about 4 weeks for the permits to be pulled so we can break ground. October 1st should be the latest we break ground.

Zoo Day!

Friday morning we woke up and I asked Ava what she wanted to do on the last day of our summer vacation. She said, "I was thinking we could go to the zoo!" I couldn't argue with that, so away we went. We asked KK if she'd like to come along. Gianna was awake almost the whole time we were at the zoo.
 I told Ava and KK I wanted a picture of them together. Ava sat down and gave Kaitlin a huge hug. It was too cute.

 Watching the harbor seal. 

 We watched this elephant pick up the tire and then put it under her belly.

 We had a nice picnic lunch and then headed for a surprise cream!

 After our ice cream Kaitlin and Ava rode the carousel. It was a fabulous day for the zoo and a great way to spend the last week day together. I am going to miss spending the days with my girls when I go back to work on Monday, but I am incredibly thankful that I get to spend so much time with them in the summer.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Splash Pad

Monday was finally a warm day to take the girls to the splash pad again. I feel like I've jipped Ava of a fun summer because the weather has been so strange we just didn't get to do all the water activities like last year. I can't believe we're already spending the last week of summer together. Both girls loved the splash pad. We stopped and got sandwiches on the way down and ate and splashed for awhile.

Kenosha County Fair

Sunday afternoon we went to the Kenosha County Fair for Papa's work picnic. Gianna and I wore our matching mermaid outfits.
 I got my face painted in the area where the picnic was held.

 They also had the Big Balloon Tycoon there making their awesome balloon animals. I got a poodle dog on a leash.
 We saw some really cool cakes that people entered.

 Here are Mommy's first place photos. I helped my Mommy to win quite a few ribbons this year.

 Mommy said this one makes her laugh and she didn't expect to get anything for it. The judge said that if the license plate said anything else he wouldn't have placed it because it was a distraction. He thought since it said Amy maybe my name was Amy and my Mommy had a clever photo set up. Mommy says it was just luck that Papa's plates have Amy on them!

 We saw lots of animals.

 I got to feed this steer a treat just like a dog!
 We watched the firefighters push this barrel in a "tug of war" game with their fire hoses.

 Of course the fair couldn't be complete without corn and John Deere tractors!

Gianna's Getting Stronger!

Up until last week I told Chris I was a little concerned about Gianna's muscle development. When she had tummy time she was more content to mouth at the lap pad I had under her face and didn't really care to lift her head up or turn it very much. Then all of a sudden early this week she started picking her head up and arching her back like it's nobody's business! She's starting to use her legs to push herself forward too. Maybe she will be like Ava in the sense of doing nothing with her milestones and then just doing them full speed ahead. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tee It Up Fore Ty

Saturday night we went to the Tee It Up Fore Ty benefit. Ava had a blast getting her face painted and meeting some of my former students. Braxton was her favorite!!

 Love for Daddy!

 Gianna was a happy camper! She smiled and "talked" the whole time!