Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 month pictures

I took Ava for her 3 month pictures this afternoon. I got her changed into her second outfit and she decided she was done with pictures. She needed a 5 minute nap to recharge. Of course that isn't in the plans when you go to the studio though so we made due with the few we got.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kick, Kick, Kick

Last night I got my first bath in the big bathtub! It was so cool! I kicked around a little but was a little confused because there was so much room for me to move. I think I might like bathtime even more now!

Auntie Maka Da Dough

On Sunday Auntie invited us all over for homemade pizza.
I talked Nonna's ear off! Auntie got the bed set up in my room, so I got to lay on it to gossip with Nonna.
I love to watch Auntie's TV, it's so much cooler than the one we have at home. I sat in the corner of her couch like a big girl and watched the Olympics.
I hope some day I'll actually get to eat this stuff!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Special Visit

Saturday afternoon I got to meet Aunt Carrie. She's one of Mommy's best friends from college. I tried to get Aunt Carrie to tell me stories about Mommy, but she wouldn't tell me any this weekend! Mommy told me that Aunt Carrie is going to have another baby in July. I hope it's a little girl for me to play with! I think I could have fun with Beckett and the new baby when he/she comes. I got to have coffee talk with Mommy and Aunt Carrie at Barnes and Noble. While we were sitting and visiting these two strange people walked right up to my stroller and started making faces at me and talking to me. Mommy freaked out at first when she saw their reflections in the window at Barnes and Noble. Then she realized it was just Aunt Lesa and Uncle Marty and they weren't really weirdos. Daddy was gone wrestling all day. He is going to take 4 of his boys to state this coming weekend! One of the boys is only a freshman and is really good. I've seen him wrestle before and thought he was fun to watch. I hope some of Daddy's boys place in the state tournament!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


This morning I woke Mommy up with my talking! I was smiling from ear to ear when she came in to get me. We snuggled in her bed for a little bit before I needed to eat. After my breakfast it was bath time! I got to use my duck towel for the first time. Mommy was giggling at me when she put the duck's head on my head. I sure did like that big fluffy duck!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Bumbo Debut

I got to try out my Bumbo chair tonight. At first I thought it was a little funny, but I got used to it fast. I can sit like a big girl!

3 Months!

I am three months old today! Mommy says I'm an old lady already. I stood on the scale with Mommy today and she says I weigh about 14 pounds. I am a happy girl and love to tell Mommy and Daddy all the gossip about Ruth's house. Mommy says if I keep it up I might get in trouble in kindergarten for talking too much! My bouncy seat is awesome and I like to talk to the animals that hang in front of me. Mommy thinks I am going through a growth spurt because I have been eating A LOT lately! I'm liking my tummy time a little bit more now, but it still isn't my favorite thing in the world. I love to look at pictures in books while Mommy or Daddy reads me the story.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I submitted my last photo for class. I have to take the test and I'm 3 credits closer to a pay raise!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Arizona or Bust!

Auntie bought me my first swim suit! She thought I might be able to use it when we go to Gramma and Grampa's new house in Arizona for spring break. It's a little big now, but I'll fill it out in no time! Thanks Auntie!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

This morning I got to open some Valentine's Day presents from Mommy and Daddy. Daddy got me a monkey that sings and dances. It's pretty silly!
Mommy got me a CD and Valentine's Day books.
After that I got dressed for Valentine's Day. Mommy had to change me right after these pictures though because I had a couple big spit ups ALL over myself!

Special Valentine's Delivery

Last night Mommy was getting me ready for a bath and the doorbell rang. It was our neighbor, Shirley, bringing me a special Valentine's Day present! The bag was bigger than me!
Before Mommy had me, Shirley always told her that she hoped Mommy and Daddy had "a little ballerina." When Mommy and Daddy brought me over to Ray and Shirley's house after I was born Shirley was thrilled that she got "her little ballerina." She was so excited she even bought me a ballerina ornament for Christmas. The card attached to my Valentine's Day present said, "Happy Valentine's Day to our little ballerina, Ava Grace." (I couldn't get the card picture to turn today.)
After bath time I got to open my present. It was a cute little ballerina doll!

Saturday With Papa

Today I got to hang out with Papa all day! Mommy was at her Autism class again. She said the class is going to teach her how to help some of her students better. I think my mommy might be crazy for taking all of these classes. (Don't tell her I said that!) Papa and I watched Bambi and The Lion King. Before I went to Papa's I was gossiping a lot with Mommy and Daddy. They thought I was pretty silly. I didn't get to tell them everything before they had to leave, so I told Papa the rest of my stories.

Party Time

I'm not quite 3 month old yet, but I sure am a busy little lady! Wednesday night Mommy and I went and bought Princess Valentine's Day cards for my party at Ruth's house. (Mommy and Daddy didn't know about it until that day!) I helped Mommy sign my name on them and put tattoos and candy in a bag for my new friends. Friday morning I got all decked out in my Valentine's Day clothes for the party! Mommy even got me some Valentine's Day socks and barettes. After my party, Daddy picked me up from Ruth's house. Mommy had a class in Lake Geneva with her friend, Nikki, so Daddy took me to wrestling practice! He made sure to hold me and not let the boys touch me. Some of them have some weird things on their skin and he didn't want me to get any weird things. I was pretty tired when I got home!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Go Team, Go!!

I celebrated my first Super Bowl at Auntie's house. Her TV was ginormous and I LOVED it! I can't wait to watch Elmo and Big Bird on it. I snuggled up with Daddy for part of the game. Auntie made some homemade pizza that made her house smell REALLY good. I gave everyone the stare down while they ate! I hope I can eat that pizza some day.

Winter at Pets

We made a stop at Pets before going to Kaitlin's house to watch the Super Bowl so I could take some pictures for class.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ice Sculptures

Yesterday I bundled Ava up and we headed to Lake Geneva to see the ice sculptures with Mom and Dad. The sculptures were awesome, but it was really crowded, so stroller driving wasn't the easiest thing. I think Ava was the warmest of all of us!

The trellis with kids climbing on it was my favorite.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Quilt

Gramma made this quilt for me and brought it last weekend when I got baptized. Last night I layed on it and talked with Mommy for a long time. I had a lot to talk about! I made it through my first week at Ruth's house and have been closely watching all of the kids there. I also told Mommy that when Riley cries (he's Ruth's grandson and is 2 months older than me) it makes me sad so I join him and cry too. I also told Mommy how excited I am to sleep in tomorrow morning!

A Better Finger!

Auntie came with Mommy to pick me up from Ruth's house today. Auntie is going to drop me off Wednesday morning because Mommy has a meeting at school really early, so she needed to see how to get to Ruth's. After they picked me up, we went to Auntie's house. I was sitting on her lap watching her gigantic TV and found out that her fingers are much bigger and taste better than mine! I held onto her finger really tight and kept sucking on it. When she pulled it out of my mouth, I let her know who was boss and put it right back in!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's Been a Blur!!!

The last couple weeks have been a blur! I went back to work on January 25th. That week Ava was with my mom on Monday, my sister on Friday, and Chris took the other days off. The first week back was horrible at best! I often asked why I decided to go back. I told Ava I would be happy to stay home with her until September. Ava started going to Ruth's house (the sitter) on the 1st of this month. The first drop off was rough, but we all seem to be adjusting well now. We've been extremely busy and are hoping to catch a breath this weekend!
Last Friday, I spent the day with Auntie at her house while Mommy and Daddy worked. Auntie's huge new couch got delivered! Mommy and I snuggled on it for awhile after she got home from work. We had lounged and had pizza with Nonna, Papa and Auntie. Mommy and I watched a movie with them while Daddy went to Illinois to pick up Uncle Josh.

My Cousins!

I got to meet my cousins Lauren and Parker on Saturday morning! Lauren really liked to hold me.

Hangin' By the Pool

Saturday morning Mommy, Daddy, Josh and I went to the hotel to meet Aunt Chel, Uncle Brandon, Lauren, and Parker. Mommy and I lounged by the pool. I didn't really care for putting my toes into the pool, but the hot tub felt good on them!
I had fun watching Lauren and Parker splash in the pool. I think I'll join them next time!