Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Suite 207

 Mommy, Daddy and I spent a few days in suite 207 this week. We checked into the palace Monday morning and left late this morning. We all had our very own beds (mine was WAY fancier than Mommy and Daddy's!) The best part was when Daddy let me go for rides on my bed. I had a bunch of little wires glued to my head while we were there and then they were covered with this highly fashionable gauze and tape hat! If you notice, my attire started with a chin strap. Within an hour, our nurse, Leah, cut it off of me because I kept trying to rip it off. Once that was gone, I was a happy camper.
I got  to order a fruit bowl every day for every meal! That was the best part!!
I passed the time with some goodies from Mommy's friends, Nikki, MJ, and Andrea. (Mommy said if we hadn't had those goodies Tuesday would have been even harder than it was! She said I was going stir crazy...not sure what that means.) I stayed in my bed the whole time like a good girl so the video camera could keep taping me. I could only get up to go to the bathroom. (Mommy and Daddy said that was no easy feat..again, I think some of the things they say are silly!)
 Tuesday night, Daddy braved the awful weather and went across the street and bought us Subway. Mommy said the break from the hospital food was AMAZING! I got these awesome glasses so I could be even more styling.
 Daddy and I talking over our Subway meal.
 Finally, this morning Laurie came and took all the wires off so I could go home. I had one crazy hairstyle when she was done. On our way out I made the whole floor lock down because our nurse forgot to take off a special kid bracelet I had to wear. There were loud noises and the nurses all came running when it happened!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Big Bag of Goodies

Yesterday Mommy brought home a huge bag full of goodies for me from her friends at work. It was filled with puzzles, a DVD and other crafts to keep me busy at the hospital. Mommy was disappointed she didn't get good pictures to capture how excited I was about my goodies. (She said she was having lighting issues.) I kept telling Mommy the things were "all I ever wanted!"

Monday, February 18, 2013

Disney on Ice

Sunday night Mommy and Daddy took me for a special surprise night. Mommy told me we'd be going with her friends, Nikki and Jason, and my friend, Addy. I knew we were going to a restaurant in Milwaukee but the rest was a secret! My surprise was Disney on Ice! While we waited to give the lady our tickets, I looked up and said, "This is going to be so beautiful!" When we took a bathroom break I made sure to say thank you to Mommy for bringing me to the show. Our tickets were AWESOME...we were about 30 feet from the ice in the 5th row. (Great seats, Jason!!) 
This is my friend, Addy, and I. We were both so excited and busy looking around we didn't have time to look at our Mommies for a picture.
Here are some of my favorite parts of the show...Minnie and Mickey...
 Ariel (she was my favorite)...


The Lion King.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Beginning of P2Z2's Bedroom

 We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of the new baby. Last Monday, Chris took the day off to start painting our bedroom so it can turn into P2Z2's bedroom. Sunday we decided to get our dressers moved upstairs as the beginning of our "new bedroom." Now we just have our bed downstairs and everything else is upstairs which is kind of a pain. We will have to rent storage space as we can not get our bed up the stairs of the house. Chris covered the green walls with one gray wall and three white. He finished up the last coat today. The fabric was purchased so my mom can sew away and make the curtains and bedding. I found art work for the walls that matches the colors I wanted PERFECTLY! Now I'm on a mission to find a rug in a teal or orange to put in the room. The plan is to have the truck come pick up our items that need to be stored and take  on March 1st. The crib and dresser for the baby should be set up before that! Now the mission of going through containers and getting boxes out of the house ready for storage begins.

Ava got in on the action this morning too. She helped to cover some of the patched areas on the wall. 

Valentine's Day

Ava woke up to find Cupid had left her a Tianna and Repunzel princess doll and a new Dora book. When we got home from Miss Zivka's we found some special treats from KK. She left us chocolate covered strawberries, foam heart stickers, ABC flashcards, a preschool math workbook and some other stickers.
 We had a "picnic" with Cousins subs in the living room.
After dinner, Ava wanted to play with some of the things KK left. We did a few workbook pages.
Then we used the foam hearts and worked on patterns.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine's Craft Day!

Daddy is at wrestling today, so Mommy and I had a craft day. We had to got to Hobby Lobby and Bath and Body Works first so we could get all our supplies. First, I made a Valentine's present for Miss Zivka. I stuffed some pampering goodies and treats into a jar for her.'s stuffed full! Good thing we didn't get anything else or it wouldn't have fit!
 Here's Miss Zivka's finished gift.
 Our next craft was making Valentine's for my friends. I got to use lots of Mommy's scrapbooking tools! We even wore out her paper cutter so she's going to have to buy a new one!
 The first one finished for my friend at daycare, Lucas. 


Thursday night we finally got a decent snowfall. It started about 10:30 in the afternoon and started getting bad right around noon. We were suppose to have parent/teacher conferences, but they got cancelled because it was so bad out. It took me over an hour to get Ava from Zivka's and get home. Typically, it takes 30-35 minutes. I was thankful for the extra family time and fun cancelled conferences gave me! Ava and Chris made a huge snowman compared to the first little guy they made. We were also able to finally pull out the snowman kit my godfather sent Ava for Christmas last year. I think the extra detail to the snowman made Ava's night. He favorite accessory was the pipe! I will be excited to join in on the fun next year when I will finally be able to bend over and get up on my own. P2Z2 doesn't want me having any extra fun right now.

 The finished creation. Notice Ava trying to catch the snowflakes on her tongue. 

The 100th Day of School

Today Mommy celebrated the 100th Day of Kindergarten with her students. She had enough supplies left over from making Fruit Loop necklaces, so I got to make one! I didn't string 100 Fruit Loops like they did, but I still made a necklace. Mommy said it was good practice for my fine motor skills...whatever that's suppose to mean!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fun With Conversation Hearts

This morning we practiced patterns with conversation hearts.

 Then Ava named the shapes I made from hearts.
 Finally, we practiced sorting skills. Ava was content to use the hearts for learning. She did not care to eat them! I found something she doesn't like!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Good Morning!

Happy Saturday morning! We were getting ready to go to a bridal show with Kaitlin and Ava decided to dress up. I wanted to take a picture to text Chris and this first picture is what she did immediately! She's never done that before!

Snow Much Fun with Daddy!

Just a couple hours after playing t-ball, we had enough snow to play in again! Since I was still recovering from the flu and was told to limit my activity for the weekend I watched Ava and Chris from the window. I had to sneak to the porch to take a couple pictures.

 Ava was so thrilled about her snowman! She found the sticks to make his arms and give him a walking stick. Daddy made the stick hair.

 I didn't get to see this creation come to life, but a little hand knocked on the door and told me to look out the kitchen window to see her pedicure chair! This was completely Daddy's doing!! He even made the foot bath for her. Talk about a Daddy that's wrapped around his little girl's finger!