Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beautiful Weather!

Tonight Mommy decided 76 degrees was too nice for us to stay inside. She unpacked my new hat for Arizona, put me in the Baby Bijorn and we walked around the block. Notice I allowed Mommy to take a picture of me WITHOUT a bib? I wanted to show off my shirt because it was perfect for today.

Good News, Bad News

Mommy and Nonna took me to the doctor for my follow up with Terry on Monday. Mommy and Daddy were hoping to get some good news, but we didn't. Mommy was shocked when Terry said I had pneumonia. She let Mommy listen to me with her stethoscope. Mommy said it sounded like maracas inside my body. The good news was my ear infection looked better. Terry switched my antibiotic and the steroid that I get with my nebulizer. I needed something stronger. Mommy will take me back to see Dr. Rocco on Friday. We're hoping the new medicines will have done the trick and I will be better. Mommy and Daddy are still baffled that I'm so sick because I'm still my happy little self and have been sleeping well.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jabber Jaws

Everytime Chris and I tried to put Ava down for a nap today she decided it was time to talk. This is a clip of one of her many stories. The loud thumps in the background is her kicking her feet on the floor. She was too busy talking and didn't get much napping in today. Hopefully she'll sleep well tonight and will make up for the missed naps.

Little Bunny Foo Foo

My friend, Addy, let me borrow her bunny outfit from when she was my age. It was soft and snuggly!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby Darth Vader

Yesterday Daddy took the day off of work to try to get me into the doctor again. My wheezing was worse and Ruth mentioned something to Mommy about it on Thursday night. As we were hanging out at home Mommy heard the wheezing too and didn't like the way it sounded. When I got up yesterday I looked horrible because I had so much snot and yucky stuff on my face from coughing and sneezing throughout the night. I didn't sleep well either. Daddy took me to see Terry. She said I had a lot of wheezing and was using muscles to help me breath that I shouldn't have been using. She told Daddy to look at the way I was breathing and if I was doing it like that over the weekend I would need to go to the ER. I nebulized at the doctor's office and then sounded better. I thought it was pretty funny that I threw up all over Daddy too! (They say I'm getting some junk up from my lungs.) I have to nebulize at least three times per day now. Mommy was sad to nebulize me but she knows it will make me feel better. She said I looked like Darth Vader with my mask on. Mommy tells me we could get quite the family picture if we lined Papa, Mommy and me up on the couch to nebulize. I go back to see Terry on Monday after Mommy and Daddy are done working.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

4 Month Update

Chris and I took Ava to see Dr. Rocco for her 4 month wellness exam tonight only to find out Ava was too sick for the exam and shots! She started with a cough again on Sunday but we didn't think much of it because she didn't have a runny nose or a temperature. Dr. Rocco listened to her and said she was wheezing. She moved to her ears and asked if Ava had been cranky lately because she had an ear infection. We were both surprised because aside from a couple extra wimpers here and there, Ava has been her usual happy self. Dr. Rocco also told us there is a possibility that Ava could have asthma because of the family history and because children with a milk protein allergy are more likely to develop asthma. At this point she said Ava is a little too young for her to know if the wheezing is from a cold or asthma related. We're keeping our fingers crossed for just a symptom of the cold! We ended up rescheduling her wellness exam for during spring break and will see Dr. Rocco again on Good Friday for a follow up for her cough and ear infection. Hopefully the antibiotic will clear her ear infection up.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Polenta at the IA

After Mommy was done scrapping at Auntie's house we went to the Italian American for polenta. Papa was slaving over the stove cooking since early this morning.
I got to go on a behind the scences tour of the IA! I wasn't all that excited though! First, I went behind the bar with Papa.
Then, I went in the kitchen where Papa slaved away all day! Papa was trying to make me happy again. Mommy's pots aren't as big as the ones at the IA!

Happy Birthday Nonna!

Friday night we went to Nonna and Papa's house to celebrate Nonna's birthday. Papa made some yummy fish. While I was there Nonna got out Mommy's babies for me to play with. The one on the left is Bobbie and the Cabbage Patch doll's name is Marissa.
Happy Birthday, Nonna!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

4 Months Old!

Yesterday was my 4 month birthday! I had a fun day at Ruth's and then went for a walk outside with Mommy. I love to play with the animals on my bouncy seat. Daddy showed me which one to pull on to make music. I don't really know if I like doing that yet though. Sitting in my Bumbo is fun too. I constantly smile and have a funny laugh. Mommy and Daddy like to tickle me under the arm or attack my neck to make me laugh. One of my newest tricks is pulling my pacifier out of my mouth and then trying to put it back in. I'm amazing at pulling it out, but have to practice putting it back in yet. I go to visit Dr. Rocco on the 23rd. I weighed 13 lbs 7 oz. when Mommy took me to the doctor a couple weeks ago for my pink eye. We'll see what my stats are next week!
After my walk and smiling for pictures I needed a nap! I was so tired I couldn't even play with my play gym!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a St. Patrick's Day party at Ruth's house, so I got to wear special "party clothes" today.
You think my Mommy would know by now that she will never be able to take a picture of me in a special outfit without capturing messy clothes. Maybe she'll learn someday!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kindergarten Rocks!

Daddy had today off because he has to work on Saturday (BOO!) so he took me to see Mommy in kindergarten and eat lunch with her. We had a picnic on her carpet. They didn't share any food with me though!
I sat in a chair in the listening center in Mommy's classroom. I loved to look at all the bright colors around me.

After our picnic, Mommy had recess duty so Daddy and I went outside for recess. I was definately the most popular kid on the playground. Mommy had to tell the kids to look with their eyes and not their hands so they didn't share any germs with me. After we left school Daddy and I cleaned out the pond and visited with our neighbors, Ray and Shirley. Daddy also reviewed with me how to pay bills online. I got my first lesson on Saturday while Mommy was at class. He says I should be ready to pay them on my own next month.

New Hat

Now that the weather is warmer, Ava has been able to wear her bunny hat. She is probably going to want to hurt me some day for all of the "cute" stuff I made her wear! Oh well, until then I'm going to have fun!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Who's the Baby Bear Cub?

After shopping we put Ava in her bear suit and took her outside to scoop leaves out of the pond. The bear suit that she once drown in is almost too small. She'll probably be able to use it until the weather really warms up. She wasn't sure what to think about the wind when it blew. She startled and snuggled in close.

Coffee Talk

This morning I went with Mommy and Daddy to a new coffee shop in Kenosha. Mommy and Daddy really liked it and I thought the play room for the kiddos was pretty cool. I might get to play there when I can stand up on my own. After we drank some coffee and had a sweet treat, we headed to the outlet mall to do a little shopping. It was a nice day to walk outside to the stores.

Lazy Sunday Mornings

This morning I snuggled with Mommy and Daddy in their bed and told them lots of stories. I spit up ALL over myself, so I had to be stripped down.
After I was done telling stories I decided to take a look through the fliers to find some good deals.

Kisses for Mr. Moose

Yesterday was Mommy's last day of her Autism class! She got home early and we played a lot. I gave Mr. Moose some kisses and laughed at him when Mommy made him dance.

Sleeping Beauty

Ava the Nun

After Ava's bath on Thursday night I couldn't resist this picture. She looked like a little nun wrapped up in her towel.

First Spring Walk

Mommy took me for my first outside walk on Wednesday. It was 52 degrees. I saw a lot of things I've never seen before like bushes and grass. I liked checking out the neighborhood as we strolled.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Visit with Grammy and Grampy U

Yesterday afternoon we went for a visit to Grammy and Grampy Uhlenhake's house. Grammy was telling Mommy to let her hold me before she could even get me out of the carseat. I think she was really excited to see me. She hasn't really gotten to hold me since Christmas!

New Clothes

Friday I got to wear a special outfit from one of Mommy's student's family. The little girl and boy were adopted from China. Mommy had the little girl two years ago and has the little boy right now. He was adopted just over a year ago and didn't know any English when he came. Mommy says he is an amazing little boy and you would never know he's only been in the United States a little over a year. The panda outfit was very fitting coming from them! Of course I couldn't let Mommy get a picture without a spit up mark on my clothes! That's what she gets for not putting a bib on me right away. You think she'd know better by now!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ookey Gookey Eye

Mommy picked me up from Ruth's early and took me to see Dr. Terry because I had some gook in my eye and she thought I might have pink eye. Sure enough, it's pink eye! I have to have some drops in my eye for 10 days. We're not sure where I picked it up because Ruth said none of the other kids have it. I can't go back to Ruth's house until I'm on my medicine for 24 hours, so Daddy is staying home with me tomorrow. After the doctor's I got to go to Nonna's shop while Mommy and Daddy got their hair done. I gossiped and smiled at Nonna's boss, Linda. She made sure everyone was being nice to me and was treating me like a princess.

No School for Mommy=Day of Fun!

Mommy had a winter break day yesterday so I got to stay home with her! We went shopping and then I played in a box! It was the perfect size for me to sit in. It was also the first night that Daddy got to be home with us all night! Wrestling season is over. His boys did very well at state! One boy took 6th and two boys took 2nd place. We hope they will take 1st next year. They are a sophomore and a freshman, so we'll get to watch them wrestle for a long time yet.

Sunday night Nonna and Papa had us over for "Tony's Pasta." Auntie and Kurt were there too. Auntie was sampling Nonna's homemade hooch. Mommy almost choked because it was so strong!

Hanging with Auntie and Kurt. I felt left out because they both had their Navy gear on.