Wednesday, August 31, 2011


KK brought her puppy, Oliver, home today! He is a 10 week old Australia Shepherd. Oliver is so soft and fluffy and he loves to snuggle. He just gave me some kisses and was very nice to me (no puppy nipping at all!)
I checked out Olivers paws and told Mommy they were Oliver's toes.

KK is so excited to be Oliver's "Mommy."

I sat in Papa's lap and Oliver sat in my lap! I liked holding him. I can't wait to play with Oliver some more!


Last night was my first night of tumbling classes at Scamps. Mommy was really disappointed because she had open house at her school and was only able to make it to see the last couple minutes of my class. During class I hung on the bars, jumped on a trampoline, walked across a balance beam, played in the foam pit, went down the slide and crawled through a tunnel. At the end of class my teachers put Mickey Mouse stamps on my hands and stars on my feet! We sang a song to say goodbye to each other. Daddy had fun taking me to tumbling and Mommy is looking forward to taking me to class next week.

Fun at the Park

Sunday afternoon was beautiful and it was the last day of summer before Mommy had to go back to school, so we headed to the park for some fun.
I took a break to give Daddy some love.
Mommy and I went down the big slide.

I ran over by the trees and sat down. I told Mommy to sit down too. We watched the sprinkler across the street and looked for sticks.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Beach Day

Today was the last day of summer vacation with Mommy and Daddy had the day off of work, so we went to the beach at Lake Andrea. It was the first time I've been to the beach and I had a blast. I quickly made my way to the water and played with the wet sand.
Then I took a break from the water and played with some of my sand toys.

Then it was back to the water to make some sand castles with Daddy and enjoy the water with Mommy. We enjoyed our last summer day together.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My First Boat Ride

Nonna took a week of vacation, so Papa also took a couple days off. This morning we went out on the boat. It was my first ride.
Nonna wore a life jacket too so I wouldn't be the only one.

This boat was surrounded by lilypads!

We tried to catch my first fish, but that didn't work so well. None of the fish wanted to stay on my hook. They ate they bait though!

I almost fell asleep on the way back in.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fun With KK

These pictures are a little late because Mommy used Papa's camera to take them. Last week Sunday, Nonna and Papa had us over for dinner. I played outside with KK. We blew bubbles. One of my favorite things to do at Nonna and Papa's house is sit on the wall and tell people to sit next to me.
When we were done blowing bubbles KK put me in my car and ran me down the hill of a driveway. I squealed and laughed the whole way down. KK ran me into the grass to slow me down. If she didn't start back toward the driveway fast enough I said, "Come on KK, let's go!"

Notice the cell phone in my hand? Nonna and Papa have old cell phones I love to play with. I brought this one outside and keep it in the trunk of my car! Thanks for the fun, KK!

A Little Water Fun

This afternoon Daddy washed the cars. I grabbed the hose and had some fun "squeezing" the nozzle.

Joe and Kendra's Wedding

Last night my cousin, Joe, got married at the Grand Geneva. The ceremony was outside. The cocktail hour and reception was fabulous! My cousin, Dom (Joe's brother), is the head catering chef at The Grand Geneva and made all of the hors devours and the meal. His girlfriend is the head pastry chef and made the most delicious desert!

 Dom and Joe waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Congratulations to Kendra and Joe!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Today Was A..

ZOO DAY! Daddy had the day off so we went to the zoo this afternoon. It also happened to be A La Carte at the Zoo, so we got to eat some tasty things as we walked through the zoo. Mommy and Daddy took me on my first carousel ride!

Then I stood by these horses to see what kind of horse I would be if I was one. I'm taller than a miniature horse!
We saw some animals today that we haven't seen at the zoo yet.
The moose were smart and hung out in the water! This guy was even blowing bubbles in the water.

We got to see the elephant really close today!

We took a break to listen to a band that ws playing at the zoo. We had a fun afternoon at the zoo!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

21 Months

I am 21 months old today! Mommy did a little summary of me on the photo. I keep Mommy and Daddy laughing all the time and I have quite the vocabulary! When we were at the cabin last weekend I picked up the leaf that was on the floor and said, "This is basil!" I'm getting good at some of my colors too. I can tell you all about things that are orange and am accurate most of the time with blue and green as well. I also love to sing! My favorie songs are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and You Are My Sunshine.

My New Hat

Mommy made me a new hat for fall and winter! You can't tell but there are fun silver sparkles in the yarn.  She made a couple different color flowers and put them on alligator clips rather than sewing it to the hat so I can have different color flowers for different coats. She said she's going to make me a cream colored one too. Even though it was 81 degrees today I modeled it well!

Mommy played around in Photoshop with this one.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Tonight we got some sandwiches and headed down to the lake for a picnic dinner. I had fun watching the boats, bikes and dogs while I was eating.
When we were done eating, Mommy read me a book I got at the library today.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Jayda at 2 1/2 Months

Jayda and her cute legwarmers couldn't dodge a photo shoot either!