Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tree House Fun!

We can't make a stop to the apple orchard without playing in the tree house. Gianna actually got to play this year! I think she was a little overwhelmed with all the things to play with.

 Serving her creations.

 Gianna was thrilled about taking a picture with Ava!

First Day of 4K and New Daycare

Ava had her first day of 4K and Gianna had her first day at the new daycare. They were both did great with their drop offs! I on the other hand, was a basket case! I am so thankful I was able to take the day off to take Ava to school and pick her up! Daddy and his girls!

 Ava was so excited to walk to school. She wants to be a doctor during the day and a "checker" at night.

 My little girl happily walking to school!

 And they're off!!! I picked Ava up and we went for a special lunch with Nonna at Olive Garden and then to buy Ava a pair of tennis shoes. I was so proud of the girls for their excellent first days!

Whispering Knoll Kids Go Back To School

KUSD kids started school on September 2nd. We gathered the kids on the 7th (the day before the 4K kids started) for the first of what will be an annual back to school photo with all the kids in the neighborhood.

 After the picture they all lined up on the curb for some yummy popsicles.

Back to School Fairy

The Back to School Fairy visited the new Passetti house a few weeks ago. She left the girls a note to start off their new adventures and some goodies. Ava will begin 4K and Gianna will start a new daycare.

 Sisterly love!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Open House

I can't even believe I'm blogging about this! My little lady is going to school. :( We took her to her open house on Thursday night. She was so thrilled to put her new backpack filled with supplies on her back and walk to school.

 As part of her open house, Ava got to go on a bus ride and learn the rules of the bus. She was a little scared at first but hopped right on that bus with a little neighbor girl. Here they are heading back.
 A high five from the teacher for a job well done. Her little friend, Lucy, is waiting on the left for her so they could run back to us. 

Summer Visitors

We have had some daily visitors the last week or so. Every day between 3:00 and 3:30 in the afternoon the pair of Sandhill Cranes comes into the yard. Yesterday we noticed the male checking himself out in the basement window. He sees his reflection and jumps up and down. Dad informed us of the Sandhill Cranes they have out at work and how the male charges into the glass and literally bloodies and then knocks himself out. We grabbed some caution tape to put across the windows to keep him away. He's already destroyed our neighbor's window screens.

Innocence of a Child

It was raining the other day, but Ava still wanted to play outside. She said, "Mom if I just put my puddle boots on, my feet won't get wet!" She grabbed her boots and off she went. She had a blast playing in the rain!

Kenosha County Fair

Dad's work always has their Kenosha County picnic at the fair. Before we went in for the picnic, face painting and balloon guys, we watched barrel racing for a long time! Ava has had a fascination with horses this summer. She keeps begging to get a horse of her own. She said we can have a cage for it in the backyard. Sorry, kiddo, I don't think that's going to work!

 Gianna wanted to climb right in the ring!

 This was the first year Ava got to do the rides. She was pretty excited!

 One of the photos I entered, received the grand champion award. I was pretty pumped!

Dinner at Nonna and Papa's

We hadn't have our summer pizza on the grill dinner, so Papa told us we'd better come over. Dad ALWAYS makes the special oil and doesn't have a recipe. There was an emergency with Gramma, so I got to figure out a recipe. I did a darn good job at guessing! 

 The dress had to be ditched after Gianna tried drinking out of a water bottle by herself.
 Right back to the dirt and rocks.
 This picture cracks me up. She will hate me for it some day. I'm totally fine with that!
 Knock, knock....NONNA!!!!
 I'm coming to get you!