Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Final Christmas of 2013

Sunday we celebrated the last Christmas of 2013 at Gramma and Grampa Uhlenhake's house. All the girls had fun playing and celebrating together.

Find the Pickle!!!

Finding the pickle is very serious business in our family. We have to wait in the hallway and be lead into the living room, lined up and then turned around at the same time to find the pickle.
 THE GIRL WON THIS YEAR!!!! As you can see, WE were excited, THEY were not! Better luck next year boys!!

Zarletti Christmas

Christmas night we celebrated with Mom, Dad, Kaitlin and Josh. The girls gave Mom and Dad a sign made by one of my co-workers.

 Ava opening her ornament from KK and Josh.
 Kaitlin and Josh got "Florida bags."

 Dad was happy with his drift sock and harness.
 Ava was super excited to get a Starbucks mug and gift card from Nonna and Papa.

 The ornaments Ava and I made.

 Dad and Chris got a Thirty One basket for their boat that said "Perch Slayers."

Snow Prints

After we were done opening presents, Ava HAD to get outside to use her new snow print shoes and snow markers.
 We had bear prints all over the sidewalk and yard.

 Ava had fun writing in the snow with her snow marker.
 She warmed up with some hot chocolate after her outside fun!

Merry Christmas!

When we got home on Christmas Eve, Ava got the plate of cookies ready for Santa.

 Santa left a note for both girls.
 Christmas morning Ava came down from upstairs and her face lit up as she yelled that Santa really did come. Her first present was the ornament from Chris and I that was next in her series.
 Gianna had fun ripping into her presents.
 Gianna got Ava a pair of "glass" Cinderella slippers.
 Ava and I went shopping and she picked out a gift for Gianna. She enjoyed watching Gianna open it.

 Ava was confused when she opened this gift from Santa and he used a diaper box! She yelled, "Diapers?!?!"
 She was thrilled that it wasn't really diapers but a Cinderella dress.

 Chris, Gianna, Ava and I had fun opening our gifts from each other and Santa right away in the morning.

Christmas at Grammy and Grampy Zarletti's House

My cousins, Sara and Amber, and I all had babies 2 weeks apart. Adam on the left is two weeks older than Gianna and Jaxon on the right is two weeks younger than Gianna. All of them decided to make their appearances before their scheduled due dates or c-section dates. Jaxon entered the world very early! He was suppose to be born in July and came at the beginning of May.

 This year was extra special to have two little girls to celebrate Christmas with!
 Gianna and cousin, Sara, ready for gift opening.
 Ava and KK opening gifts.
 Gianna liked pulling at Paul's face.
 Gramma and Grampa got a new vacuum from all the "old" grandchildren. "Toots, it's a Shark!"
 My cousin, Phil, let's the kids to anything to him to have some fun. He's such a good sport!

Reindeer Food

Christmas Eve Ava put out her reindeer food. She was really hoping Vixen would like it this year!

Baking with Nonna

Ava helped Nonna in the kitchen with some Christmas goodies!

 After the baking, this flour bin was a play bin much like a sand box! Ava had flour all over her face and the cupboard.

 Helping Nonna with stolen.

 Ava's first lesson in zesting a lemon.