Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gone Fishing

Ava finally got to use her fishing pole that she got from Nonna and Papa for Christmas for something other than casting in the living room or basement. We headed to Anderson Pond after nap today.
 Papa getting the bait ready.

 Papa making the first cast. 
 Ava reeled in a couple times after some hits to find the fish had stolen her worms.
 When Papa took the worms out to rebait the hook Ava shrieked and said, "Oh, it's so CUTE and tiny!"
 Papa showing Ava how to bait the hook.

 After a few times of reeling in to see the fish stole the worm, they switched to a worm that's harder to get off the hook and had better luck.

 Her first catch!! You have to look really closely by her leg closest to the pond. A perfect Ava sized fish!
 Examining the catch. We thought she'd touch it, but no such luck. 
 I've never seen something so tiny in a pond before. Her third catch of the day was much the same size.
 Taking some time to love Daddy!
 A team effort to reel in the second catch of the day.
 Now that's a fish!! Ava announced that we had dinner when she saw this one!

 Snuggles with Nonna. We had so much fun watching Ava fish with Papa and Chris. I think there will be many more visits to Anderson Pond this summer!

Girl Time

This morning Kaitlin, Mom and I took Ava for her first pedicure. I think it was safe to say she LOVED it!! If you ask her what her favorite part was she says, "The water! It was nice and warm!" The little chair was so cute and watching her face was priceless. She picked a purple polish and had big glittery sparkles put over it.  It was a nice activity to do together while I'm still a Mommy of one! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Burley Debut

We finally got a Burley a couple weekends ago. Ava's been itching to use it, so her and Chris got it ready for it's debut ride tonight. 
 Ready to go!!
 Making sure Daddy's hooking it up correctly.
 Ready to head out. There's a spot for the new baby too.

 Chris said Ava giggled the whole ride. 

Enjoying a Beautiful Spring Day

Today was the first spring day we really got out to enjoy the weather. I had to have the chaise pulled out because I have to "take it easy" due to borderline high blood pressure. I was still able to enjoy the weather with Chris and Ava. She hopped in the chair to take her shoes off so she could feel the grass in her toes.

 After so much playing she needed a re-hydration break.
 She walked over to the pond to "listen to the water." 
 She just sat pondering her little life. Gosh I love her and am so glad we got to be outside again!!

Helping Daddy

Sunday afternoon I helped Daddy make some testing contraption for work. 
 I helped him glue the pipe together.
 Here's the finished tool.
 When we were done, I hopped on my scooter and took a ride.

Name Writing Practice

Art time turned educational when Ava said she wanted to practice her name with her markers. 
 She's got the uppercase and lowercase A down, but makes her V upside down. She asked me to help her write the V the correct way and then traced it herself. I'm pretty proud of her A!!

Art Time

Ava has always loved art projects and craft time. Sunday we took out a set of water colors that's been begging to be used. It was the first time she's used them and she was pretty impressed.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Maternity Photos

This afternoon my friend, Nikki, came over to take some maternity photos for us. It was so weird not to have the camera in MY hands. We had a lot of fun even though it was a bit chilly outside. Thank you so much, Nikki! We love them!!