Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Sisters...can't wait for them to be best friends!

The Girls at 3 Months

I can't get over how much the girls look alike as babies and how much their baby pictures look like mine!!
Ava at 3 months.
 Gianna at 3 months.

Gianna is 3 Month Old!

Yesterday was Gianna's 3 month birthday! Every month I say I just can't believe how fast time is going with her! It makes me sad especially since I know she's my last munchkin! Here are a few things about Gianna.
- She eats 5 oz every 4 hours.
- She sleeps through the night MOST nights...we've had chats so she knows this needs to be perfected by the last week of August. :)
- She is mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes now. Her smaller dresses still fit. 
-She is beginning to reach for toys.
-Her hands are more open now rather than the "boxer fists."
- She is starting to giggle.
-I think she realizes she is going to need to hold her own with Ava around, so her "talking" is becoming much louder!
- She takes two good naps and some cat naps during the day.
-She smiles a lot!!
-She loves to watch her big sister.
-She is trying like crazy to roll over. She's got a mean back arch too. I think it will be any day now and I'm hoping it happens before I go back to school so I can see it!
- She's in a size 1 diaper.
-She loves sticking her tongue out and is starting to figure out spitting with it! (This is very encouraged by Papa!)
- She takes baths in the tub like a big girl rather than her baby bath.


We were able to cross another thing off our summer bucket list this week. All of Ava's butterflies came out of the cocoons so we released them yesterday. She was very patient and was encouraging them to fly out with phrases like, "Come on little buddies you can fly away now." "Little guys, you can leave!"
The butterfly looks like it's stuck in her hair here, but it wasn't!

Zoo Day!

Monday was the first day of the summer we went to the zoo just to look at the animals. We've been there a few times after zoo class but didn't have a lot of time to wander. We went with my friends, MJ and Nikki, and their girls. This elephant was quite entertaining. She was standing with her back legs crossed while she ate.
 We saw many different facial expressions from this giraffe. 

 Gianna was actually awake to see some animals this time! 
 Jayda enjoyed looking at the giraffes with us.
Ava looked more like a monkey!
 Finley enjoyed the giraffes too.

Calendar Premier at Uke's

Sunday we went to Uke's Harley Dealership for the Harold's Hope Relay for Life calendar premier. Dad and Josh were both models for the calendar. I picked out my bike...a 2013 Sportster 1200 Breast Cancer Custom. 
 Ava test drove a vehicle.
 Dad and Josh waiting to "walk the carpet" for their interview.
 Dad being interviewed about his experience.
 There was a contest on Facebook with all of the calendar models. The person who's photo had the most likes was the winner of a free photo session. Dad was the winner by 121 votes!! We are going to have a new family photo taken than includes the girls and Josh.
 Josh giving his interview.

 Mr. December 2013 (AKA Josh) signing autographs.
 Mr. November 2013 (AKA Dad) signing autographs. The event was really cool and I think they did well with the sale of the calendars!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Rainy Cold Friday

Friday was miserably cold and wet so our plans got cancelled. We had some indoor fun though. Ava played with play dough and made spaghetti and meatballs.

 She helped Papa make some Kcups.
 We made a cake.

 We made pattern block pictures.
 We also ate octopus for lunch! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sister Love

The other morning I was folding laundry and had Gianna laying on the bed while I worked. Ava came in with a bag of her little Disney books and asked if she could read to Gianna. So sweet!!

Tuesday Adventures

Tuesday morning we decided to check some things off our bucket list. We went to the Kenosha Public Museum to see the woolly mammoth. I told Ava the bones were found on the farm of my 5th grade teacher's father's farm. I don't think she really cared! 

 After the museum we went for a drive by the lake. There were some awesome looking clouds I wanted to take pictures of so we ended up deciding to stop by the beach house to feed Gianna. Ava occupied herself in the sand while I fed Gianna and then I joined in some sand fun. 
 This little bottle cap that was left in the sand kept her busy for over a half hour!

 After playing in the sand we went to the library. Ava made a fish...
 and built with blocks.
 After lunch we went to Cherry Berry for a treat. It was a day that started with few plans that turned into a lot of fun. Those are the best kind of summer days!

Sidewalk Paint

We were finally able to open the sidewalk paint KK bought last summer at the end of the season. It was so fun and a nice change from chalk.