Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dave and Jenn's Wedding

We spent this weekend in New Prague, MN at Dave and Jenn's wedding. Daddy was an usher so he got to wear some fancy dress up clothes and looked really handsome.

 The weather was beautiful and I just wanted to be outside running around!
I got to see all of my cousins. Brydon was the ring bearer and looked handsome in his dress up clothes.

 Lauren played outside with me for awhile.
Nadia and I hung out a lot! She's just a year and 11 days older than me so we are going to cause some serious trouble together soon!

Nadia shared her iPad with me and we played some games.

Mommy saw this pretty tulip outside of the church and had to take a picture of it. I was a dancing machine at the reception! Mommy says I need one the the t-shirts that says, "I love to twirl."

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