Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mommy Ava

Ava has been quite the "little Mommy" lately. She got a new baby and some baby equipment for Christmas. She literally spends hours taking care of her babies at home. Each morning she gets out of bed with at least two babies, lays them in the hall and covers them up for the day with her Dora blanket. When we get home from work and Miss Zivka's house she goes to the babies and begins taking care of them for the night. She discovered some of her old bottles and quickly turned them into hers for the babies. She now has three babies. They have very original names: Little Baby, Medium Baby and Big Baby. This first picture Ava is taking the babies for a walk into our bedroom.

As you can see all of the baby equipment had to be moved into our room. One baby is swinging while the other is being taken out of the stroller.
Kisses for "Little Baby."

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