Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gianna is 11 Months Old

My baby is 11 month old already! Here are some tidbits about Gianna.
- She wears 9-12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.
- She has two teeth in the middle on the bottom. (The doctor says she's working on 4 more, but they have yet to make their appearance.)
- Gianna stands independently and has taken a step here and there.
- She loves eating "big people" food.
- She's started transitioning to yogurt and cheese to determine if she is able to handle milk protein. If she can, she will have completely outgrown her milk protein allergy!!
- She can say: goodbye, MaMa, DaDa, Nonna, Papa, all done and go. I also think she's trying to say KK. She tries to say dog too.
- Gianna loves shaking her head no!
- Bath time is a favorite!
- She loves playing with Ava's kitchen set and the play food.
- She can be entertained for an extended amount of time if you give her a basket and things to put in and take out!
- She gets into EVERYTHING!!! (This is much different than Ava!)

It's hard to believe this spunky little one is so close to a year old already! I can't imagine our family without her.

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