Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday, Ava!

 Hard to believe that I have been decorating my "baby's" door for 6 years! It doesn't possibly seem that long ago that I brought her home from the hospital.
 Trying to wake Ava up without shaking her awake was a bit difficult. I had to plan an earlier wake up time due to the door decorations.

 Finally, she's awake!
 Nonna and Papa joined us for a birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. As we were waiting for our food to come, Ava turned to Nonna and said, "Would you please stop spitting on me! You've done it twice now!" My mom looked at her completely confused. Ava kept insisting Nonna was spitting on her head. I felt her head and sure enough, it was wet. It was raining really hard outside and the roof was leaking! We had to move tables and it was a good thing we did. When we left the booth we were in had a large puddle on the seat!
 She got to ride the saddle. The sweet woman in the background didn't think that was enough though and started everyone in singing happy birthday to Ava!
A special treat for the birthday girl.

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