Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Arizona Here We Come!

We left to go to Gramma and Grampa Passe's Arizona house on Saturday before Easter. Here I am at the airport trying out my new stroller. I was a little small for it, but it still worked fine.
I slept with Daddy on the way to the Texas airport.
Mommy had to get a picture of my pretty tootsies. She painted them pink to match my Easter dress. Lots of people commented on them in the airport.
We were really luck on the flight from Texas to Phoenix! Mommy and Daddy checked before the flight to make sure our seats were together and that there was an air mask for me where we were sitting (the first flight had issues with that) and they gave us a free seat! Mommy, Daddy and I got to have three seats to ourselves and there wasn't anyone sitting in the three seats behind us. I got to lay on the seat between Mommy and Daddy and kick around. I LOVED it! I did pretty good on the flights and cried a little because of my ears and I was a little tired.
Checking out the seat pattern while I stretched out.

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