Friday, April 2, 2010

New Accessories

I was excited to show off my new hair accessories from Auntie! I went back to see Dr. Rocco this morning. She said I am looking and sounding much better! She said if she didn't know I was having problems she would have said my lungs were clear. Since she knew I had been having some problems she listened extra carefully and heard just a little something in one lung. I have to continue my twice a day breathing treatments until Mommy and Daddy don't hear me cough for a couple days. Once that happens I will have to do a breathing treatment once a day for a week. After that we keep our fingers crossed that I don't start coughing again. If I do Mommy has to call Dr. Rocco back and I will have to go back on the breathing treatments. My ear still had some fluid in it, but it is no longer infected!

1 comment:

Addyson said...

Such pretty eyes...Ava, I think your Auntie LOVES you a WHOLE bunch! We like your new hair pretties.