Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Eggs

WOW! What a difference a year makes. Last year when Mommy and I dyed Easter eggs I had to sit in my Bumbo because I still couldn't sit on my own. I wore a bib 24/7 because my favorite thing to do was spit up! The eggs were able to sit in the dye undisturbed and the newspaper sat so nicely on the floor...

 THIS year...I wanted to read ALL the articles in the paper after Daddy layed them on the ground.
 I danced and squealed on the paper.
 I sat in Daddy's lap just long enough for Mommy to snap a picture. I just wanted to dye the eggs!
 I didn't want the eggs to be in the dye too long, so I made sure they got out in an acceptable amount of time!

 Then I had to check on the green egg...time for it to come out!

 We all had some funny colored fingers when we were done. I went straight to the tub because I'd gotten so much dye all over myself! I had fun dying my eggs!

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