Saturday, June 4, 2011

Afternoon Fun!

After my nap, we headed down by the lake for a walk.
A man and his wife saw Daddy taking my picture with Mommy and offered to take a picture of the three of us. Shortly after, I got my first owies of the summer on my knees. I'm pretty tough though, so I got over it quickly. Mommy says my knees are going to look like KK's this summer.

When we got home, Daddy went to hit some golf balls with one of his friends. Mommy and I got out an Elmo sprinkler. Mommy and Daddy bought it a long time ago for Marley. Marley would be happy to know that I now enjoy her sprinkler!

I was so happy to run between the sprinkler and my house! At dinner time I finally had to go into the real house for the night. I had a fun day with my Mommy and Daddy! (I think they had fun too!!)

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