Monday, June 27, 2011

UW-L Visit

Friday, Chris and I celebrated our fifth anniversary. Saturday morning we dropped Ava off at my parents' house and headed to LaCrosse. Chris had plans that he would not share! He bought me an hour hot stone massage at Sue Kolves in Onalaska. After that we went back to the hotel and a little person knocked on our door. My parents had driven up later and brought Ava with. We all went for a walk on campus so we could see some of the changes since Chris and I graduated. We always joke and say Ava has to be exposed to UW-L early because we will not help her pay for college if she chooses to go anywhere else. (Can you tell we both loved LaCrosse?
We were able to get a nice family shot outside of Cartwright.
This is the clock tower that's in the middle of campus.

These are the doors I walked through hundreds of times while earning my teaching degree!

Ava's ready to start college. She looks pretty tiny next to this new huge building on campus! They knocked down three buildings (2 dorms and an office/counseling building) to build this. We heard it was $44 million! We had to cut our walk short because it started raining.

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