Saturday, May 8, 2010


I had my first swimming class today. I was the only girl and Mommy was the only mommy! There were two other boys in my class. I was the youngest and my teacher was a little afraid to have me do things. Mommy told her she wasn't afraid to have me try new things so it made my teacher feel better. I got in the water with my teacher and tried to drink the water while Mommy was getting in the water. I kicked on my back and tummy and practiced "jumping" in from the side. I was having a great time until Mommy said, "1-2-3 here we go!" and put me under the water! She didn't tell me she was going to do that and I didn't like it too much. We tried a couple more times and I still didn't like it. Mommy says I will get used to it. Mommy said going to class made her really miss teaching swimming lessons and coaching! Mommy is half considering Diver Dan's job offer!

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