Saturday, May 15, 2010

Toes in the Grass

A couple weekends ago we went to Auntie's house so Daddy could help Papa and Grampy put a gas line in for Auntie's new stove. It was a nice day so I got to put my toes in the grass for the first time. (Can you believe Mommy forgot her camera? We used Auntie's instead that's why it took so long to get these pictures up!) The green grass made me giggle when I felt it on my feet.
Touching the grass was fun!

Maybe I can grab a fist full of this stuff!
I loved the breeze on my face!
Auntie made a comfy chair!

1 comment:

Addyson said...

Aunties are the best "spoilers" and I think yours has done a great job of that! :-)