Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lights Out!

On Thursday night while we were at swimming lessons we noticed the sky over the lake looked really bad. Typically we don't see the sky look that bad to the east. A little while after we got home it got really, really windy! Our power flickered a little bit and then went out completely at 8:00 Thursday night. Mommy and Daddy called WE Energies at 9:00 and again at 11:30 and were told each time that the power should be restored within an hour. When we woke up Friday morning we were still without power. Daddy went to work and Mommy and I packed up and headed over to KK's house because it was suppose to be 95 degrees! Mommy met Uncle Steve at our house a little later because he brought us a generator to plug our fridge into so our food wouldn't spoil. We hung out at KK's for most of the morning and then came back home. We still didn't have power so Mommy cut me this HUGE piece of paper to color on.

Here is the finished product! Our power came back on a little before 11:00 AM on Friday. We were without power for about 15 hours. We were thankful ours came back on so quickly! One of Mommy's high school English teacher lives across the street from Lake Michigan is still without power today.

It wasn't until Friday morning that we realized how severe the storm was. The storm came in off the lake, which is pretty uncommon for us during the summer. Winds reached 125 MPH by the lake and did serious damage to trees, homes and power lines. The area right near the lake was hit the hardest. The emergency sirens never went off either! Saturday morning we took a little walk down by the lake and were shocked at the damage. Trees went through some people's homes and garages. Many of the mature trees in the parks by the lakes were completely uprooted taking several feet of grass and sidewalk squares with it. Mommy took a couple pictures of just one tree.

We walked up on the rocks by the lake to look at the lake.

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