Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mueller Picnic

Today was the Mueller picnic. This is a picnic for Gramma Uhlenhake and here sisters' families. I blew bubbles with Mommy's cousin, Kaleb's girls.

I tried really hard and then...

...I got bubbles to come out!
This is Grammy Uhlenhake (second from the left) with her sisters. There weren't any boys in her family and the girls did some weird things to the "hired men" when they lived on the farm as kids! Grammy told Mommy that there used to be notes in their family's file so when the hired men were hired they knew about all the girls!

I got to play at the park while we were at the picnic.

There was a pinata there. Here's Brelyn taking a few swings at it.

Then Brookie had a turn. Brookie is 4 months older than me.

Then I got a turn!
After the pinata broke open, Daddy helped me find some candy.

Here's Grammy and Grampy Uhlenhake.

After the pinata, a guy came to make balloon animals for us. Mommy's Aunt Anita held me while we watched him make a goofy hat for Grammy.

Grammy and all of here sisters got these goofy hats!
We waited while my balloon monkey was made.

I was thrilled to get my balloon monkey!

See my monkey?
Here's my Grampy hanging out watching all of us have fun!

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