Sunday, July 17, 2011

M.J. and Cory's House

Last night we went to M.J. and Cory's house for a cookout. M.J. is Mommy's kindergarten teaching partner. Their classrooms are right next to each other. Nikki and Nicole and their families were there too!
Here's a picture before we left M.J.'s house of Mommy's friends and my friends, Addy and Jayda. Addy and Jayda are Nikki's girls.

I had a fun time playing with Addy. We played bags.

We also hung out in our chairs. Addy was so nice and let me sit in her Dora chair. I was thrilled to sit in the chair because I love Dora!

Jayda slept part of the time, but we got to see her awake quite a bit too! I had so much fun with my friends and Mommy and Daddy had a blast with their friends!

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