Tuesday, July 5, 2011


On Saturday afternoon we went to the Kenosha parade. Walgreens sposored he parade this year, so we sat in Library Park where they had reseved seats for us. It was a great place to sit because I could run around the park while we waited for the parade to start. There was an advertising airplane flying in the sky that I kepy my eye on. Everytime I saw it I said, "I see an airplane!"

Grammy and Grampy Zarletti came with us to the parade too. Papa drove them in their van and we met them at the parade. Grammy's scooter was decorated!

Grampy was content to sit back further so he could keep his foot up.

These motorcycles were my favorite! When they went past I clapped and said, "Yeah, motorcycles!"

We knew we had VIP seats for the parade, but we didn't know they were up in the announcer stand! We were elevated and could see everything perfectly!

I also really liked the police cars and fire trucks!
My swimming teacher, Diver Dan, was even in the parade! He's driving the truck. He is in charge of the Kenosha dive squad that gets called out when recoveries need to be made. He was Mommy and KK's swimming teacher too!

I loved clapping and cheering for everyone in the parade!

KK was in the parade too! This cute old guy drove the car she and another store manager rode in.

The Kenosha County Sheriff's Dept. walked through the parade. The third guy from the left holding the American flag is Mommy's cousin, Joe. He had a hard time keeping a straight face when Mommy yelled at him!

I LOVED the parade and am excited to see it again next year!

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